Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Not another dissertation!

So I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting another dissertation so soon, due in at Christmas? Oh god, the pressure is on. I am very glad I have my experience from last year to draw on however, I know to keep my workload spread evenly and it'll all be okay (I'm panicking on the inside).

I know I want to base my study on sound and music in horror films, but I'm not sure of a specific title yet. Perhaps something to do with clichés, and how they detract from the value, and scariness of the film, I find myself looking at Film Sound's list of cliches, and giggling and nodding at each one, so it could be a good avenue to explore. Before I nail it down though it's a good idea to research as much as I can about the topic, so here's a few of the sites I'm checking out at the moment: the obligatory source for film sound, a hub of sorts. - A good few articles on here, though not exclusively dealing with film. - Some very informative videos about sound in horror films. - A detailed interview with a fairly prominent horror composer. - A very detailed scientific article on how sound affects people.

Plenty of reading material there to last me, this is definitely the most import part of my secondary research. I'll update with more sources for the other parts of my secondary research, as well as anything else useful I find.

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