Saturday, 26 October 2013

Shameless self promotion

After a long and incorrigibly confusing day, we have finally selected our crew roles, and I'm rather pleased with them. I'm a part of 4 production teams (including my own), which means four presentations in December. FOUR! I can feel my hair turning grey already. I'm really glad we're working on a variety of projects though, the spice of life and all... Niall and I have also been privileged with a five star crew for our own production, and best of all, we get to boss them around =D

So the first film I opted into was Lesley-Ann and Adam's drama, Who's The Mother? as their sound guy. I wanted to work on this one because it seemed like a lot of fun, though I originally opted for AD or set designer, but I'm happy to do what I'm best at. I'd imagine the role will involve mostly on set dialogue recording, I'll probably have to be careful not to shake the boom pole around because I'm trying to hold back my laughter.

Another role that I'm really excited to do sound for is in James and Shane Davidson's Isolation. I've been wanting to get my teeth into this since the idea was conceived, and I was almost heartbroken when the role was stolen out from under me because I got the timing wrong for the meeting, but I'm back working on it fortunately. It'll be a lot of atmospheric sounds and foley work, and maybe a little ambient soundtrack, for which I will take full advantage of this:
My own slice of studio right at home. I've been gathering the equipment for this bad boy over the past couple of years, and I'll finally get to use it to its full potential!

The other production role I've laid my grubby hands on is camera man for Answering the Call, David and Steve's documentary on trainee priests in the seminary. I may need to borrow the camera for a bit of practice beforehand, I haven't done any video recording in a while so I may be a little rusty. I'm pretty handy with a stills camera though, so I think I can manage this. I'm a little nervous, but they say that's a good thing.

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