Friday, 7 February 2014

Twist that focus ring!

The 7 Minutes with Beibhinn crew and I spent the guts of the day testing lighting techniques and one specific pull focus shot for the upcoming shoot. I must say, it's been a helpful workshop. I was a little bit rusty on 3 point lighting, and trying to get two separate sets of people lit up for the one shot is easier said than done, but a bit of practice really helped, and I feel like I understand lighting a bit better now too. I also got to know the camera better. I was already pretty solid on most of the settings, having done my research, but repeating that focus pull shot gave me a feel for the focus ring. We found that using markers on the ring with this particular lens was actually quite unreliable, as it responds differently based on the speed you are moving the ring and yields different results each time, so I held on to the camera for a while after the workshop and got a feel for it. We tried the focus pull a few different ways, and found it worked best if I did it myself, mounted on a tripod, so we decided we'd just go straight for it on the day to cut time.

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